
Naohisa NakashimaAssistant Professor

I have studied agricultural engineering (Irrigation and Drainage) in my master course.
I once got into private company as a civil engineer after failing to proceed to Ph.D course.

After quitting the job, I have learned the ecology focusing on the species in paddies in Ph.D course, and wrote dissertation about frogs distribution.

In my post-doctoral period, I have engaged in the research of the plant photosynthesis with proximal remote sensing.

Although I have run around like my head cut off, I got back to my original field.

My interest is the ecological engineering for the species living in rural area.


Education & Research History

2009  (complete) Kyushu Univ. Fac. Agriculture, Dept. Agricultural Engineering

2011  (complete) Kyushu Univ. Grad. Bioresources and Bioenvironmental Sciences

2011-13 (civil engineer) Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.

2016-19 (Ph.D, Agr.) Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, Uni. Grad. Agricultural Science

2019-21 (post-doctoral fellow) Hokkaido Univ. Grad. Agriculture

2021- present

Research Area

Ecological Engineering; Agricultural Civil Engineering; Remote Sensing




TEL: +81(0)-155-49-5520


11 block, Nishi-2 sen, Inada-cho, Obihiro,
Hokkaido 080-8555, JAPAN

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